NSW Country Support Tour Weekend Drive S2127

  • 18 Jun 2021
  • 19:00
  • 20 Jun 2021
  • 17:00
  • Hunter Valley + Orange + Taralga
  • 0


NSW Country Support Drive Tour 18, 19, 20 June 2021

Hunter – Orange – Taralga - Liverpool


It’s time to get out and drive our much-loved Porsche marques with like-minded Porsche friends and support our beautiful country and regional NSW.  We have organised a fabulous fun packed weekend away, starting Friday night at the Mercure Resort Hunter Valley Gardens, ready for a Saturday morning tour on excellent driving roads and scenic countryside through Sandy Hollow, Bylong Valley, Rylstone, Sofala to Orange. We have an overnight stay in the newly appointed Remington Orange Hotel, followed by a 3-course dinner created by Whitney’s Restaurant & Bar. Sunday morning we will continue our tour on more excellent driving roads through the historic town of Milthorpe to Taralga for a suggested lunch stop before driving through to Goulburn and back to Liverpool, Sydney. 

For those that wish to stay in the Hunter on Friday night we have arranged 10% discount off the bed & breakfast rate of the day. Please note the rate of the day is subject to change, we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.  When booking ensure you mention Porsche Club NSW to receive this rate.

Please call Mercure Resort Hunter Valley (02) 4998 2000  or book online at  www.mercurehuntervalley.com.au 

Friday night we have organised a 2-course dinner at the Mercure Resort for those wishing to get a head start on our weekend fun. Ensure you select this option when registering as it will be pre-booked and not available on the night. 

Saturday morning the drive will leave from the Mercure Resort Hunter Valley Gardens, gathering after breakfast at 9.30am for a 10am departure. We will drive through to Orange via Sandy Hollow and Bylong Valley for a suggested lunch stop at the charming historic town of Rylstone.

Saturday evening we will be staying at the beautifully appointed brand new Remington Orange Hotel where we have secured special discounted rates of $220 single and $250 double, including breakfast. When booking you must use the code: PorscheClubNSW21 to receive this discount.

Please call The Remington Orange www.theremington.com.au (02) 6361 6362 / orange@theremington.com.au If booking online, the code needs to be placed in the ‘promotional’ code section.

Saturday evening we will be dining at the Remington Orange with a 3-course dinner created by Whitney’s Restaurant & Bar.

Registration cost is $138 per person for Friday and Saturday night. This includes 2-course dinner at Mercure Resort Hunter Valley Gardens and 3-course dinner at The Remington Orange.

Registration cost is $75 per person for Saturday night only. This includes 3-course dinner at The Remington Orange

All incidentals, lunches, drinks etc. will be at own cost. 

For further information and any special Dietary requirements contact Yasmin Taplin on 0413 125 049 or email yasmintaplin@bigpond.com

We recommend booking Accommodation and Event as soon as you receive this notice as there will be a limit of 60 people and we don’t want you to miss out.

Bookings are now open!

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