Mystery Weekend
18th - 19th March 2017
Bookings Closed

Meet at McDonalds Windsor
At 9:00 AM for 9:30AM departure
Why a mystery weekend? Simply to add an extra level of excitement as well as putting complete trust in the judgement of the organizers of the event. This is a two day touring event within NSW (different hotel on each evening) encompassing about 700 km’s of interesting, scenic and varied driving roads. All the coffee / comfort stops, lunch breaks have been carefully selected to take place at locations that not only offer refreshment, but also a side dish of significant interest. We have designed the event to allow between 1 to 1.5 hours stop to enable members to take full advantage of these points of interest.
On the evening of Day 1, once our Porsche’s are securely parked a bus has been arranged to ferry us from the hotel to our destination restaurant which promises to delight your culinary expectations. We are proud to say the proprietor is well known due to their appearances on TV who have made their restaurant available for our dinner at the conclusion of day 1.
We have designed the event to be flexible offering the time poor member who can’t participate in both evening’s festivities. The destination on day 1 is about a 3 hour return drive to Sydney or alternatively mid- afternoon on the second day we will also be about equal distance if you wish to take advantage of Sundays driving experiences without continuing on to Sunday nights destination and in house dinner.
Only hint for the second nights destination is if you wish to extend your stay there are many and varied activities on offer for Monday before returning to Sydney mid-afternoon.
The Hotel bookings have a maximum limit which means once we reach capacity bookings will close so please book early to ensure you don’t miss out. .